
How did I get here?? A conversation with Kathy Lawless - Life Story Curator

How did I get here?? A conversation with Kathy Lawless - Life Story Curator

To end the year, I sat down and spoke with Kathy Lawless about the creation of and the path to starting my blog. It was a great way for me to revisit and reflect on my personal and professional journey to my version of freedom and happiness.

Listen to my career reflections as I unveil parts of my journey with themes in music, writing and community.

After about a decade of career and life experience I discovered another theme — I was living for other people, trying to fit into a mold that didn’t work for me, and focusing on making other people comfortable when I was miserable.

This prompted me to make some big bold changes in my life all in one month — March 2013! Fast forward to today where, life as “awesome” and I have big plans for travel and my blog — inspiring others to travel solo (guided by her), international business leadership and to see the world!

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I’m in love… Help me spread the word and make a difference!!

I’m in love… Help me spread the word and make a difference!!

Welcome to travel + explore & play with Sallee Jay where I am your host! I don’t have any major travel plans on the horizon until my birthday, so I bet you are wondering like me… what am I going to write about this month??

Earlier this year I posed the question to readers, “should I write more about my personal life?” I received an overwhelming response of yes! So here we are, I am about to pour my heart out to you all and ask for your help, are you ready?

I am IN LOVE y’all!! Like in LOVE LOVE, with Africa Development Promise (ADP), the mission and the organization’s founder, board member and executive director Monica LaBiche Brown.

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