Can I be honest? While I’ve heard of the luxury brand Christian Dior, I did not know much about the fashion house. That all changed last week, when I viewed the “Dior: From Paris to the World” exhibit currently on display at the Denver Art Museum (DAM) through March 3, 2019
Read MoreDating "LITuation" - Date Night, Meets Candle Making
in Denver
Dating after divorce has been interesting to say the least. However, what I do enjoy about this portion of my journey is self-discovery, meeting new people and partaking in new experiences. I am always looking for fun, affordable and creative ways to get to know potential suiters, while exploring what my city has to offer.
Read MoreCruising for $AVING$...
in budget vacation, travel, Cruise
I always heard good things about cruising; however, finances and time often limited my options; or so I thought….
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